Compilation golang binding on Windows 10

Hey there,

I was recently messing around with doing some development on windows with go as well. This is just about pointing to the correct header files. I had to make a change on my system to the cluster.go file:

// FoundationDB Go API

package fdb

// #cgo CFLAGS: -I"C:/Program Files/foundationdb/include"
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -L"C:/Program Files/foundationdb/bin" -lfdb_c
// #define FDB_API_VERSION 620
// #include <foundationdb/fdb_c.h>
import "C"

However, I ran into a separate issue, which is I don’t think the windows DLLs / Client are compiled with TLS:

> fdbcli.exe --tls_certificate_file=fdb.pem --tls_ca_file=ca.crt --log
FoundationDB CLI 6.2 (v6.2.7)
usage: C:\Program Files\foundationdb\bin\fdbcli.exe [OPTIONS]

  -C CONNFILE    The path of a file containing the connection string for the
                 FoundationDB cluster. The default is first the value of the
                 FDB_CLUSTER_FILE environment variable, then `./fdb.cluster',
                 then `C:\ProgramData\foundationdb\fdb.cluster'.
  --log          Enables trace file logging for the CLI session.
  --log-dir PATH Specifes the output directory for trace files. If
                 unspecified, defaults to the current directory. Has
                 no effect unless --log is specified.
  --trace_format FORMAT
                 Select the format of the log files. xml (the default) and json
                 are supported. Has no effect unless --log is specified.
  --exec CMDS    Immediately executes the semicolon separated CLI commands
                 and then exits.
  --no-status    Disables the initial status check done when starting
                 the CLI.
  -v, --version  Print FoundationDB CLI version information and exit.
  -h, --help     Display this help and exit.