Are you referring to my fdbLte post?
If so, no blog…
The numbers are just things I’ve generated and posted previously to: threads here ad FDB:
and at the Swift org.
As to where to start usingFDB – I suggest you download Chris Lattner’s Swift Python playground. It’s an interactive tutorial and REPL which allows you to experiment with FDB by entering FDB primitives. Here’s the link:
Here’s copy f a post to the FDB Swift Language thread that may help get you started with the syntax and the FDB primitives.
More progress getting FDB to run in a Swift Playground (calling Python thru Chris Lattner’s Swift + Python Interoperability Tutorial).
It appears that most FDB calls to Python can be made with syntax like: “FDB Command”, args: “arg1”, “arg2”…)
for example, the set k/v shown below as: “set”, args:“myKey111”,“poop deck party time again”)
var tr = “create_transaction” )
print("\n1 tr: (tr)") “set”, args:“myKey111”,“poop deck party time again”) “get”, args:“myKey111”) “commit”).call(member:“wait”)
Haven’t figured out, in Swift, how to define Python Functions or the @fdb.transactional decoration – but I don’t think I need to – you can call fdb constructs within a Swift func and the: “commit”).call(member:“wait”)
shown seems to do the job for transactions!
Here’s the latest:
As I mentioned before Chris has suggested some syntactical sugar that would make the Swift Python calls Swiftier.
Final, once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy to prototype FDB as I did in my initial post to this thread.