We are using FDB 6.2 version . We deleted all data using clearrange \x00 \xff command. Status shows as follows and disk space utilization is still high/same (155 GB used out of 184GB on each node).
Is this expected as i was expecting disk space utilization to go down after clearing data in 6.2 version. If disk space not going down but available for the application to write then I am ok with it but just checking in case we really need to reclaim the space any way to do that.
Status showing 9 TB disk space utilization which is close to 184 GB per node * 55 nodes = 10 TB.
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/nvme1n1 184G 155G 20G 89% /fdb-mnt
Welcome to the fdbcli. For help, type `help’.
fdb> status
WARNING: Long delay (Ctrl-C to interrupt)
Using cluster file `/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster’.
Unable to start default priority transaction after 5 seconds.
Unable to start batch priority transaction after 5 seconds.
Unable to retrieve all status information.
Redundancy mode - three_datacenter
Storage engine - ssd-2
Coordinators - 5
Desired Proxies - 5
Desired Resolvers - 7
Desired Logs - 10
FoundationDB processes - 220
Zones - 55
Machines - 55
Memory availability - 3.4 GB per process on machine with least available
>>>>> (WARNING: 4.0 GB recommended) <<<<<
Fault Tolerance - 2 machines
Server time - 02/09/23 23:08:32
Replication health - unknown
Moving data - unknown
Sum of key-value sizes - unknown
Disk space used - 9.504 TB
Operating space:
Storage server - 22.2 GB free on most full server
Log server - 0.0 GB free on most full server
Read rate - 5 Hz
Write rate - 0 Hz
Transactions started - 2 Hz
Transactions committed - 0 Hz
Conflict rate - 0 Hz
Performance limited by process: Log server MVCC memory.
Most limiting process:
Backup and DR:
Running backups - 0
Running DRs - 0