ERROR: Out of memory with Foundationdb 7.0.0

Following up this issue, as we managed to resolve it.

What helped:

  • increasing transaction processes amount at least to the recommend (8), better to set their amount the same as the amount of storage processes (for 12 storage processes - 12 transaction processes)
  • giving storage processes more memory, particulary it should be at least 12Gib for our load, perfectly 16Gib
  • as a side note, on the servers with not as many memory available, when configuring, transaction processes doesn’t require more than 4-5Gib of RAM configured
  • if you have 8Tb and more disks, it’s better to split it up to smaller disks of 4Tb, as mentioned in the documentation

What we tried but didn’t help:

  • decreasing load on the foundationdb
  • disabling huge pages (offered in one solution here)