FoundationDB client for Scala

I am really impressed with FoundationDB, so lately I’ve started working on a client for Scala. The goal is to create API that is type-safe and idiomatic for Scala:

I’ve implemented ClassScheduling example from the docs, to give better understanding how using the library looks like (link to the Scala implementation:

Of course not everything is yet implemented (but more functionalities are coming!), and if you have any suggestions please let me know or create an issue on GitHub.


In the newest release (0.10.1) there are two features added, which I think are interesting enough to be shared here:

  1. Compile-time derivation of tuple encoders and tuple decoders for custom case classes. For example:
import com.github.pwliwanow.foundationdb4s.schema.{TupleDecoder, TupleEncoder}

case class Foo(a: Long, b: String, c: Boolean)

implicit val fooDecoder: TupleDecoder[Foo] = TupleDecoder.derive[Foo]
implicit val fooEncoder: TupleEncoder[Foo] = TupleEncoder.derive[Foo]

val foo = Foo(1L, "b", false)
val tuple: Tuple = fooEnoder.encode(foo)
val decodedFoo: Foo = fooDecoder.decode(tuple)

In particular:

  • Compilation will fail if given class contains field for which there doesn’t exist implicit TupleDecoder/TupleEncoder.
  • Derived codecs support schema evolution, e.g. if value was encoded using TupleEncoder[(String, Int)], it is possible to read the key with TupleDecoder[(String, Int, Option[A])] or with TupleDecoder[(String, Int, List[A])] (where A is any type for which TupleDecoder[A] exist).
  • Derivation supports nested structures.
  • New codecs may be defined by leveraging already existing ones:
implicit val localDateEnc = implicitly[TupleEncoder[Long]].contramap[LocalDate](_.toEpochDay)
implicit val localDateDec = implicitly[TupleDecoder[Long]].map(LocalDate.ofEpochDay)
  1. Support for application level schema for namespaces - it enables operations like range, getRange, clear etc. to be type-safe.

More details in README section about application level schema. Example “class scheduling” was rewritten to take advantage of those type-safe operations and to show how it can be used in an application.

All questions and suggestions are very much welcome!


. I have been using your Scala client for a while now.The new schema module looks great

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