I encountered one problem on certain server, the environment is single machine (one node), only one machine, not multiple nodes. here is the details:
use “configure single new ssd-redwood-experimental” to init database
configure 2 FDB server processes on foundationdb.conf like this:
start FDB server and database is created successfully, but when using “fdbcli status” to check and found there is one problem with FoundationDB processes, shown below:
no, couldn’t find Severity=“40” in the logs, only can find Severity=“10” and Severity=“20”
here is the contents of the full status json:
Using cluster file `/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster’.
Redundancy mode - single
Storage engine - ssd-redwood-experimental
Coordinators - 1
FoundationDB processes - 2 (less 0 excluded; 1 with errors)
Zones - 1
Machines - 1
Memory availability - 76.5 GB per process on machine with least available
Retransmissions rate - 0 Hz
Fault Tolerance - 0 machines
Server time - 03/12/20 21:50:47
Replication health - Healthy
Moving data - 0.000 GB
Sum of key-value sizes - 0 MB
Disk space used - 210 MB
Operating space:
Storage server - 2832.4 GB free on most full server
Log server - 2832.4 GB free on most full server
Read rate - 18 Hz
Write rate - 0 Hz
Transactions started - 6 Hz
Transactions committed - 0 Hz
Conflict rate - 0 Hz
Backup and DR:
Running backups - 0
Running DRs - 0
Client time: 03/12/20 21:50:47
Could you please edit your post to re-paste that file, and put it between two blocks of three backticks ``` , so that the whitespace is kept as whitespace, and is thus it is readable?
“description” : “Could not open file ‘/opt/data/vanda/fdb-6.2/log/fdbserver1/trace.’ (No such file or directory).”,
“file_name” : “/opt/data/vanda/fdb-6.2/log/fdbserver1/trace.”,
“name” : “file_open_error”