We have a fdb cluster with 3-DC/2-region configuration built upon a secured Kubernetes env. K8s host OS is required to have timely (monthly) patching/upgrading to keep it secure. The host OS patching needs to reboot the K8s nodes of the fdb pods, thus affecting the fdb cluster.
We’d like to make a DC offline, so that K8s Os patching can be done more freely without the concern of affecting fdb cluster on the DC. Let’s say we make DC1 offline by switching primary DC to DC3 and setting usable_regions=1.
When I bring up DC1 online (by setting usable_regions=2), fdb will do a full resync between DC3 and DC1, even when DC1 is offline for a few mins. The full resync takes 10+ hours in our case.
We’d desire an incremental resync, meaning keeping the original data at DC1 and only resync what’s changed since DC1 was offline, assuming the changes are still in Tx logs. That would be much faster for us.
Can you confirm if an incremental resync is possible? Thanks.