I’m trying to create a Dockerfile for an application that uses the FoundationDB client library, to connect to an external cluster (hosted elsewhere).
In my case, the dockerfile uses the linux ASP.NET Core 3.1 docker images provided by Microsoft, copies the application binary files, and run it. Except of course it fails at runtime when attempting to load the fdb C library!
I’m looking at only installing the client binaries on this docker image, not the server components (to keep the footprint small). Also, I have to start the image from an existing one (in my case FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1
) so I cannot reuse any “official” foundationdb docker image.
I looked at how the kubernetes operator builds an image, and it simply download and untar the .tar.gz files from the official download site (which include both client and server), and copy/link the binaries into place in the file system.
I also looked at the document layer docker file, but it seems to be inheriting from the foundationdb-build
image which contains too much stuff for me.
I’ve also seen various Dockerfiles on this forum that download the debian packages and use dpkg
to install both client and server (and most conversation is focused on how to start/run the fdbserver process).
Finaly, there is https://github.com/apple/foundationdb/tree/master/packaging/docker that seems to indicate that I can “use” the image to copy binaries from it, but how do I do that?
As anyone created a Dockerfile for a custom application server that only needs to connect to a cluster?
I’m guessing this would look like
FROM foobar/super-awesome-runtime:1.2.3
# install fdb client binaries
RUN curl https://www.foundationdb.org/downloads/xxxxxxx.tar.gz && \
tar -xvz ...... && \
mv xxxx yyyy && \
??? && \
Profit !!!!
COPY my-awesome-application-binaries ....
#TODO: inject some path or uri to download the cluster file
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/my-awesome-entrypoint"]
To inject the cluster file when the image starts, I was thinking of using en environment variable that would contain either a path or an URI, and have it downloaded by the application during startup. Has anyone done this or used a different approach?