How to run FoundationDB on a Mac?

Final update

Things are working now, and I’m pretty sure I tracked down the problem:

Although I had free disk space, it wasn’t enough based on how minFreeSpace is calculated.

"First Aid” was a red herring; instead, I believe it freed up just enough disk space so that the operating space for “log server” cleared 0.0 GB.

This was further confirmed after I went on a deleting spree, trashing old iOS simulators, cache files, etc.; the “log server” operating space increased, and everything worked perfectly.

I also ran across Work around "Storage server running out of space (approaching 5% limit)" on your developer machine - #3 by KrzysFR which provides a work-around for running out of free space in a development environment.

My new config looks like:

% cat /usr/local/etc/foundationdb/foundationdb.conf 
## foundationdb.conf
## Configuration file for FoundationDB server processes
## Full documentation is available at

restart-delay = 60
## by default, restart-backoff = restart-delay-reset-interval = restart-delay
# initial-restart-delay = 0
# restart-backoff = 60
# restart-delay-reset-interval = 60
cluster-file = /usr/local/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster
# kill-on-configuration-change = true

## Default parameters for individual fdbserver processes
command = /usr/local/libexec/fdbserver
public-address = auto:$ID
listen-address = public
datadir = /usr/local/foundationdb/data/$ID
logdir = /usr/local/foundationdb/logs
# logsize = 10MiB
# maxlogssize = 100MiB
# machine-id =
# datacenter-id =
# class = 
# memory = 8GiB
# storage-memory = 1GiB
# cache-memory = 2GiB
# metrics-cluster =
# metrics-prefix =
knob_min_available_space_ratio=0.001 # <<<<< Add this line

## An individual fdbserver process with id 4689
## Parameters set here override defaults from the [fdbserver] section

command = /usr/local/foundationdb/backup_agent/backup_agent
logdir = /usr/local/foundationdb/logs


This information seems like it might be useful to other developers; perhaps there’s a place for it in the wiki or “getting started” project documentation?