Unable to get it running locally on macOS

I am not able to get fbd running on my macOS. I got the pkg from the github downloads of version 7.3.27 (with avx enabled). I am on intel mac, running Monterey 12.6.7.

After installation, when I run fdbcli, it is very slow to respond. It printed:

$ fdbcli

Using cluster file `/usr/local/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster'.

The database is unavailable; type `status' for more information.

Welcome to the fdbcli. For help, type `help'.
fdb> status

WARNING: Long delay (Ctrl-C to interrupt)

Using cluster file `/usr/local/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster'.

Timed out fetching cluster status.

  Redundancy mode        - unknown
  Storage engine         - unknown
  Log engine             - unknown
  Encryption at-rest     - disabled
  Coordinators           - unknown
  Usable Regions         - unknown

  FoundationDB processes - unknown
  Zones                  - unknown
  Machines               -
  Machines               - unknown

  Replication health     - unknown
  Moving data            - unknown
  Sum of key-value sizes - unknown
  Disk space used        - unknown

Operating space:
  Unable to retrieve operating space status

  Read rate              - unknown
  Write rate             - unknown
  Transactions started   - unknown
  Transactions committed - unknown
  Conflict rate          - unknown

Backup and DR:
  Running backups        - 0
  Running DRs            - 0

Client time: 05/09/24 20:31:48

I created a database, then I can see status:

fdb> configure new single memory
Database created
fdb> status

Using cluster file `/usr/local/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster'.

Unable to start batch priority transaction after 5 seconds.

  Redundancy mode        - single
  Storage engine         - memory
  Log engine             - ssd-2
  Encryption at-rest     - disabled
  Coordinators           - 1
  Desired Commit Proxies - 3
  Desired GRV Proxies    - 1
  Desired Resolvers      - 1
  Desired Logs           - 3
  Usable Regions         - 1

  FoundationDB processes - 1
  Zones                  - 1
  Machines               - 1
  Memory availability    - 0.1 GB per process on machine with least available
                           >>>>> (WARNING: 4.0 GB recommended) <<<<<
  Fault Tolerance        - 0 machines
  Server time            - 05/09/24 20:37:28

  Replication health     - (Re)initializing automatic data distribution
  Moving data            - unknown (initializing)
  Sum of key-value sizes - unknown
  Disk space used        - 105 MB

Operating space:
  Storage server         - 1.0 GB free on most full server
  Log server             - 0.0 GB free on most full server

  Read rate              - 21 Hz
  Write rate             - 0 Hz
  Transactions started   - 8 Hz
  Transactions committed - 0 Hz
  Conflict rate          - 0 Hz
  Performance limited by server 1845f04aa0093344: Log server MVCC memory.

Backup and DR:
  Running backups        - 0
  Running DRs            - 0

Client time: 05/09/24 20:37:23

Then I tried to write something and it failed:

fdb> writemode on
fdb> set myKey vvv

WARNING: Long delay (Ctrl-C to interrupt)

The database is unavailable; type `status' for more information.

Now if I do status, it is broken:


WARNING: Long delay (Ctrl-C to interrupt)

Using cluster file `/usr/local/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster'.

Timed out fetching cluster status.

  Redundancy mode        - unknown
  Storage engine         - unknown
  Log engine             - unknown
  Encryption at-rest     - disabled
  Coordinators           - unknown
  Usable Regions         - unknown

  FoundationDB processes - unknown
  Zones                  - unknown
  Machines               -
  Machines               - unknown

  Replication health     - unknown
  Moving data            - unknown
  Sum of key-value sizes - unknown
  Disk space used        - unknown

Operating space:
  Unable to retrieve operating space status

  Read rate              - unknown
  Write rate             - unknown
  Transactions started   - unknown
  Transactions committed - unknown
  Conflict rate          - unknown

Backup and DR:
  Running backups        - 0
  Running DRs            - 0

Client time: 05/09/24 20:41:05

I restarted doing

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.foundationdb.fdbmonitor.plist

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.foundationdb.fdbmonitor.plist

Right after restart I was able to get status:

fdbcli --exec 'status json'
    "client" : {
        "cluster_file" : {
            "path" : "/usr/local/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster",
            "up_to_date" : true
        "coordinators" : {
            "coordinators" : [
                    "address" : "",
                    "protocol" : "0fdb00b073000000",
                    "reachable" : true
            "quorum_reachable" : true
        "database_status" : {
            "available" : true,
            "healthy" : false
        "messages" : [
        "timestamp" : 1715267904
    "cluster" : {
        "active_primary_dc" : "",
        "active_tss_count" : 0,
        "bounce_impact" : {
            "can_clean_bounce" : false,
            "reason" : "cluster hasn't fully recovered yet"
        "clients" : {
            "count" : 2,
            "supported_versions" : [
                    "client_version" : "7.3.27",
                    "connected_clients" : [
                            "address" : "",
                            "log_group" : "default"
                            "address" : "",
                            "log_group" : "default"
                    "count" : 2,
                    "max_protocol_clients" : [
                            "address" : "",
                            "log_group" : "default"
                            "address" : "",
                            "log_group" : "default"
                    "max_protocol_count" : 2,
                    "protocol_version" : "fdb00b073000000",
                    "source_version" : "57ccdb8fee6d0e5d4488fbc964d7c64909fe0dc2"
        "cluster_controller_timestamp" : 1715267909,
        "configuration" : {
            "backup_worker_enabled" : 0,
            "blob_granules_enabled" : 0,
            "commit_proxies" : 3,
            "coordinators_count" : 1,
            "encryption_at_rest_mode" : "disabled",
            "excluded_servers" : [
            "grv_proxies" : 1,
            "log_engine" : "ssd-2",
            "log_spill" : 2,
            "logs" : 3,
            "perpetual_storage_wiggle" : 0,
            "perpetual_storage_wiggle_engine" : "none",
            "perpetual_storage_wiggle_locality" : "0",
            "proxies" : 4,
            "redundancy_mode" : "single",
            "resolvers" : 1,
            "storage_engine" : "memory",
            "storage_migration_type" : "disabled",
            "tenant_mode" : "disabled",
            "usable_regions" : 1
        "configuration_database" : {
            "commits" : [
            "last_compacted_version" : 0,
            "most_recent_version" : 0,
            "mutations" : [
            "snapshot" : {
        "connection_string" : "777gAbyb:LzikpdSo@",
        "data" : {
            "least_operating_space_bytes_log_server" : 0,
            "least_operating_space_bytes_storage_server" : 973725696,
            "state" : {
                "description" : "(Re)initializing automatic data distribution",
                "name" : "initializing"
            "total_disk_used_bytes" : 104976384
        "database_available" : true,
        "database_lock_state" : {
            "locked" : false
        "datacenter_lag" : {
            "seconds" : 0,
            "versions" : 0
        "degraded_processes" : 0,
        "fault_tolerance" : {
            "max_zone_failures_without_losing_availability" : 0,
            "max_zone_failures_without_losing_data" : 0
        "full_replication" : true,
        "generation" : 6,
        "idempotency_ids" : {
            "size_bytes" : 0
        "incompatible_connections" : [
        "latency_probe" : {
            "commit_seconds" : 0.022584200000000002,
            "immediate_priority_transaction_start_seconds" : 0.0037555699999999997,
            "read_seconds" : 6.0081500000000011e-05,
            "transaction_start_seconds" : 0.0045347199999999999
        "layers" : {
            "_valid" : true,
            "backup" : {
                "blob_recent_io" : {
                    "bytes_sent" : 0,
                    "requests_failed" : 0,
                    "requests_successful" : 0
                "instances" : {
                    "1cb9b00dde393bb9bcd525088909f3e1" : {
                        "blob_stats" : {
                            "recent" : {
                                "bytes_sent" : 0,
                                "requests_failed" : 0,
                                "requests_successful" : 0
                            "total" : {
                                "bytes_sent" : 0,
                                "requests_failed" : 0,
                                "requests_successful" : 0
                        "configured_workers" : 10,
                        "id" : "1cb9b00dde393bb9bcd525088909f3e1",
                        "last_updated" : 1715267902.2352662,
                        "locality" : {
                        "main_thread_cpu_seconds" : 0.033302000000000005,
                        "memory_usage" : 35070201856,
                        "networkAddress" : "",
                        "processID" : 6272,
                        "process_cpu_seconds" : 0.034511,
                        "resident_size" : 16355328,
                        "version" : "7.3.27"
                "instances_running" : 1,
                "last_updated" : 1715267902.2352662,
                "paused" : false,
                "tags" : {
                "total_workers" : 10
        "logs" : [
                "begin_version" : 758347531,
                "current" : true,
                "epoch" : 6,
                "log_fault_tolerance" : 0,
                "log_interfaces" : [
                        "address" : "",
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "id" : "39fcad2118284af9"
                "log_replication_factor" : 1,
                "log_write_anti_quorum" : 0,
                "possibly_losing_data" : false
                "begin_version" : 479498831,
                "current" : false,
                "end_version" : 756345015,
                "epoch" : 4,
                "log_fault_tolerance" : 0,
                "log_interfaces" : [
                        "address" : "",
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "id" : "0a09048f035ff96c"
                "log_replication_factor" : 1,
                "log_write_anti_quorum" : 0,
                "possibly_losing_data" : false
        "lowest_compatible_protocol_version" : "fdb00b072000000",
        "machines" : {
        "messages" : [
                "description" : "Unable to start batch priority transaction after 5 seconds.",
                "name" : "batch_priority_transaction_start_probe_timeout"
                "description" : "Unable to retrieve all status information.",
                "name" : "status_incomplete",
                "reasons" : [
                        "description" : "Cannot retrieve all process status information."
                        "description" : "Unknown cache statistics."
        "metacluster" : {
            "cluster_type" : "standalone"
        "newest_protocol_version" : "fdb00b073000000",
        "processes" : {
            "0801ab9096766a86765021a7b4b116b2" : {
                "address" : "",
                "class_source" : "command_line",
                "class_type" : "unset",
                "command_line" : "/usr/local/libexec/fdbserver --cluster_file=/usr/local/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster --datadir=/usr/local/foundationdb/data/4689 --listen_address=public --logdir=/usr/local/foundationdb/logs --public_address=auto:4689",
                "excluded" : false,
                "memory" : {
                    "limit_bytes" : 8589934592
                "messages" : [
                "roles" : [
                        "id" : "305ba9de0ac83105",
                        "role" : "master"
                        "id" : "644d22deb419e20d",
                        "role" : "cluster_controller"
                        "id" : "05bc27e635435ea2",
                        "role" : "data_distributor"
                        "id" : "d24cc01b1963b60f",
                        "role" : "ratekeeper"
                        "id" : "f9447007d2d471fe",
                        "role" : "consistency_scan"
                        "id" : "0a09048f035ff96c",
                        "role" : "log"
                        "role" : "coordinator"
                        "id" : "606736be0a39007f",
                        "role" : "commit_proxy"
                        "id" : "a7e4ad2c04967a8f",
                        "role" : "grv_proxy"
                        "data_version" : 863195315,
                        "durable_bytes" : {
                            "counter" : 0,
                            "hz" : 0,
                            "roughness" : -1
                        "id" : "39fcad2118284af9",
                        "input_bytes" : {
                            "counter" : 10081,
                            "hz" : 2016.1700000000001,
                            "roughness" : 6083.2799999999997
                        "kvstore_available_bytes" : 15040008192,
                        "kvstore_free_bytes" : 15040008192,
                        "kvstore_total_bytes" : 499963174912,
                        "kvstore_used_bytes" : 104882176,
                        "queue_disk_available_bytes" : 15040008192,
                        "queue_disk_free_bytes" : 15040008192,
                        "queue_disk_total_bytes" : 499963174912,
                        "queue_disk_used_bytes" : 1044480,
                        "role" : "log"
                        "bytes_queried" : {
                            "counter" : 12598,
                            "hz" : 2519.4899999999998,
                            "roughness" : 2177.75
                        "data_lag" : {
                            "seconds" : 0,
                            "versions" : 0
                        "data_version" : 863195315,
                        "durability_lag" : {
                            "seconds" : 105,
                            "versions" : 105000000
                        "durable_bytes" : {
                            "counter" : 0,
                            "hz" : 0,
                            "roughness" : -1
                        "durable_version" : 758195315,
                        "fetched_versions" : {
                            "counter" : 109847784,
                            "hz" : 21968600,
                            "roughness" : 37925800
                        "fetches_from_logs" : {
                            "counter" : 6,
                            "hz" : 1.1999500000000001,
                            "roughness" : 1.07155
                        "finished_queries" : {
                            "counter" : 191,
                            "hz" : 38.198300000000003,
                            "roughness" : 11.2013
                        "id" : "1719fcaa0d55118f",
                        "input_bytes" : {
                            "counter" : 30306,
                            "hz" : 6060.9300000000003,
                            "roughness" : 25583.799999999999
                        "keys_queried" : {
                            "counter" : 98,
                            "hz" : 19.5991,
                            "roughness" : 15.948499999999999
                        "kvstore_available_bytes" : 1073725696,
                        "kvstore_free_bytes" : 1073725696,
                        "kvstore_inline_keys" : 0,
                        "kvstore_total_bytes" : 1073741824,
                        "kvstore_total_nodes" : 0,
                        "kvstore_total_size" : 0,
                        "kvstore_used_bytes" : 94208,
                        "local_rate" : 100,
                        "low_priority_queries" : {
                            "counter" : 0,
                            "hz" : 0,
                            "roughness" : -1
                        "mutation_bytes" : {
                            "counter" : 3872,
                            "hz" : 774.36500000000001,
                            "roughness" : 3267.8099999999999
                        "mutations" : {
                            "counter" : 26,
                            "hz" : 5.19977,
                            "roughness" : 20.9496
                        "query_queue_max" : 9,
                        "role" : "storage",
                        "storage_metadata" : {
                            "created_time_datetime" : "2024-05-09 15:07:10.354 +0000",
                            "created_time_timestamp" : 1715267230.3541701,
                            "storage_engine" : "memory"
                        "stored_bytes" : 0,
                        "total_queries" : {
                            "counter" : 191,
                            "hz" : 32.798499999999997,
                            "roughness" : 9.4726499999999998
                        "id" : "bdca50358d550c90",
                        "role" : "resolver"
                "version" : "7.3.27"
        "protocol_version" : "fdb00b073000000",
        "qos" : {
            "batch_performance_limited_by" : {
                "description" : "Log server MVCC memory.",
                "name" : "log_server_mvcc_write_bandwidth",
                "reason_id" : 4,
                "reason_server_id" : "39fcad2118284af9"
            "batch_released_transactions_per_second" : 0,
            "batch_transactions_per_second_limit" : 0,
            "limiting_data_lag_storage_server" : {
                "seconds" : 0,
                "versions" : 0
            "limiting_durability_lag_storage_server" : {
                "seconds" : 105.069,
                "versions" : 105068980
            "limiting_queue_bytes_storage_server" : 0,
            "performance_limited_by" : {
                "description" : "Log server MVCC memory.",
                "name" : "log_server_mvcc_write_bandwidth",
                "reason_id" : 4,
                "reason_server_id" : "39fcad2118284af9"
            "released_transactions_per_second" : 5.5791399999999998,
            "throttled_tags" : {
                "auto" : {
                    "busy_read" : 0,
                    "busy_write" : 0,
                    "count" : 0,
                    "recommended_only" : 0
                "manual" : {
                    "count" : 0
            "transactions_per_second_limit" : 0,
            "worst_data_lag_storage_server" : {
                "seconds" : 0,
                "versions" : 0
            "worst_durability_lag_storage_server" : {
                "seconds" : 105.069,
                "versions" : 105068980
            "worst_queue_bytes_log_server" : 10277,
            "worst_queue_bytes_storage_server" : 30306
        "recovery_state" : {
            "active_generations" : 1,
            "description" : "Accepting commits. All logs recruited.",
            "name" : "all_logs_recruited",
            "seconds_since_last_recovered" : 1.3090200000000001
        "tenants" : {
            "num_tenants" : 0
        "version_epoch" : {
            "enabled" : false
        "workload" : {
            "bytes" : {
                "read" : {
                    "counter" : 12598,
                    "hz" : 2519.4899999999998,
                    "roughness" : 2177.75
                "written" : {
                    "counter" : 3502,
                    "hz" : 700.35000000000002,
                    "roughness" : 1974.5699999999999
            "keys" : {
                "read" : {
                    "counter" : 98,
                    "hz" : 19.5991,
                    "roughness" : 15.948499999999999
            "operations" : {
                "location_requests" : {
                    "counter" : 22,
                    "hz" : 4.3996899999999997,
                    "roughness" : 11.476599999999999
                "low_priority_reads" : {
                    "counter" : 0,
                    "hz" : 0,
                    "roughness" : 0
                "memory_errors" : {
                    "counter" : 0,
                    "hz" : 0,
                    "roughness" : 0
                "read_requests" : {
                    "counter" : 191,
                    "hz" : 32.798499999999997,
                    "roughness" : 9.4726499999999998
                "reads" : {
                    "counter" : 191,
                    "hz" : 38.198300000000003,
                    "roughness" : 11.2013
                "writes" : {
                    "counter" : 24,
                    "hz" : 4.7996600000000003,
                    "roughness" : 12.539
            "transactions" : {
                "committed" : {
                    "counter" : 16,
                    "hz" : 3.19977,
                    "roughness" : 5.2360499999999996
                "conflicted" : {
                    "counter" : 3,
                    "hz" : 0.59995700000000007,
                    "roughness" : 2
                "rejected_for_queued_too_long" : {
                    "counter" : 0,
                    "hz" : 0,
                    "roughness" : 0
                "started" : {
                    "counter" : 78,
                    "hz" : 15.5999,
                    "roughness" : 3.8475600000000001
                "started_batch_priority" : {
                    "counter" : 0,
                    "hz" : 0,
                    "roughness" : 0
                "started_default_priority" : {
                    "counter" : 40,
                    "hz" : 7.9999200000000004,
                    "roughness" : 1.95774
                "started_immediate_priority" : {
                    "counter" : 38,
                    "hz" : 7.5999300000000005,
                    "roughness" : 4.8546100000000001

But still no luck with the DB. I am using the default config and haven’t changed anything.

I also tried with 6.3.23 as mentioned here. The issue persisted, so I am back to 7.3.27 again.

I have found the solution thanks to @carhops!

adding knob_min_available_space_ratio worked as suggested in How to run FoundationDB on a Mac? - #30 by carhops