Latency Probe Trigger

The machine-readable status output has a section for “latency probe” measurements:

   "latency_probe":{ // all measurements are based on running sample transactions
      "read_seconds":7, // time to perform a single read
      "immediate_priority_transaction_start_seconds":0.0, // time to start a sample transaction at system immediate priority
      "batch_priority_transaction_start_seconds":0.0, // time to start a sample transaction at batch priority
      "transaction_start_seconds":0.0, // time to start a sample transaction at normal priority
      "commit_seconds":0.02 // time to commit a sample transaction

It’s unclear to me when these are run. Are they triggered whenever the status is requested, or are they continuously run in the background, with the latest results returned on request?


The transactions used for latency probing are run during the status request.

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