We have a 6 node FDB cluster.
(3 i3.xlarge + 3 i3.4xlarge)
3 i3.xlarge(4 cores) have 1 coordinator, 2 transaction and 1 stateless processes defined as preferred.
Snippet from foundationdb.conf file is given below
class = coordinator
public_address = :4500
listen_address = public
datadir = /mnt/fdb/4500
class = transaction
public_address = :4501
listen_address = public
datadir = /mnt/fdb/4501
class = transaction
public_address = :4502
listen_address = public
datadir = /mnt/fdb/4502
class = stateless
public_address = :4503
listen_address = public
datadir = /mnt/fdb/4503
All the 3 i3.xlarge instances have above configuration.
3 i3.4xl (16 cores) instances are used as storage nodes. They have 12 SS + 1 coordinator + 3 stateless processes configured on each of them.
As per above conf, I expect 6 transaction process running in the cluster. However we see only 3 transaction processes active at any point. Is this expected behavior?