I might be missing something but I’m not getting the behavior I’ve expected.
Based on an advice. I separated storage and logs into separate hard drives. At least that’s what I thought I did, but FDB is reporting something else and that means I didn’t do it well.
$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 30G 0 disk
└─sda1 8:1 0 30G 0 part /
nvme0n1 259:0 0 375G 0 disk
└─md0 9:0 0 1.1T 0 raid0 /var/lib/foundationdb/data
nvme0n2 259:1 0 375G 0 disk
└─md0 9:0 0 1.1T 0 raid0 /var/lib/foundationdb/data
nvme0n3 259:2 0 375G 0 disk
└─md0 9:0 0 1.1T 0 raid0 /var/lib/foundationdb/data
nvme0n4 259:3 0 375G 0 disk /var/log/foundationdb
However when looking at the stats
Operating space:
Storage server - 939.9 GB free on most full server
Log server - 939.9 GB free on most full server
Somehow the log server is still pointing to the same disk. That also means the /var/log/ is most likely just an output log not the log I’m looking for.
So is there a way to separate the log into a separate HDD?
With log being on a different disk, the advise refers to the fdbserver processes running the tlog role. The logdir option in foundationdb.conf however is for trace files. Naming is hard and our naming is not always great (and tlog, log, trace, logging etc are kind of confusing).
What you want to do is to have a second process, add a datadir argument to this process that is on a different disk and assign it the log class.