Understanding `fdbcli status details` output

When I see an output like this (single node setup)         ( 75% cpu; 46% machine; 2.650 Gbps;100% disk IO; 2.6 GB / 8.0 GB RAM  )         ( 35% cpu; 46% machine; 2.650 Gbps;100% disk IO; 2.6 GB / 8.0 GB RAM  )         ( 58% cpu; 46% machine; 2.650 Gbps;100% disk IO; 2.5 GB / 8.0 GB RAM  )         ( 59% cpu; 46% machine; 2.650 Gbps;100% disk IO; 2.5 GB / 8.0 GB RAM  )

That 2.65 Gbps read represents the whole machine? or am I really getting 2.65*4 (which would be really cool, if true). This is a test range read (so mostly sequential, probably in disk order)

It is quite possibly a number for the whole physical node considering it is close to what the disk in the node can provide. Since memory and cpu where process specific, I was hoping the other number is too.

It looks like this is the larger of Gbps sent and received over the network for the entire host. We do also have a measure of data sent by each process that can be accessed in status json under the processes section.