Hi, I recently upgraded from 6.2.30 to 6.3.9. After the upgrade, newly taken backups seem to succeed but report not “restorable” in fdbbackup describe
. I run the fdbbackup start
with -w
and it exits without any error. When I run backup status it says it completed at a version:
$ /usr/bin/fdbbackup status [...]
The previous backup on tag `default' at <backupURL> completed at version 37341037222796.
BackupUID: <UID>
BackupURL: <backupURL>
However backup describe for that same backup shows:
$/usr/bin/fdbbackup describe [...] -d "<backupURL>" --version_timestamps
URL: <backupURL>
Restorable: false
Partitioned logs: false
Snapshot: startVersion=37340640061336 (2021/11/03.00:32:34+0000) endVersion=37341025172871 (2021/11/03.00:38:59+0000) totalBytes=247807760945 restorable=false expiredPct=0.00
SnapshotBytes: 247807760945
MinLogBeginVersion: 37340639699336 (2021/11/03.00:32:34+0000)
ContiguousLogEndVersion: 37340659699336 (2021/11/03.00:32:54+0000)
MaxLogEndVersion: 37341037222797 (2021/11/03.00:39:11+0000)
status json
also seems to report these backups as the last restorable backups, implying that it thinks the backup is correct.
I listed the files stored under logs/ for that backup in s3:
2021-11-03 00:33:10 15543400 log,37340639699336,37340659699336,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:34 15586330 log,37340659699336,37340680000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:35 17202396 log,37340680000000,37340701000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:37 15982999 log,37340701000000,37340722000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:34 16973921 log,37340722000000,37340743000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:36 17042492 log,37340743000000,37340764000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:35 20670557 log,37340764000000,37340785000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:36 21732211 log,37340785000000,37340806000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:36 16505583 log,37340806000000,37340827000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:35 17870614 log,37340827000000,37340848000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:34 15546839 log,37340848000000,37340869000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:33 16408900 log,37340869000000,37340890000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:35 15652378 log,37340890000000,37340911000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:32 18924242 log,37340911000000,37340932000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:33 18320261 log,37340932000000,37340953000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:37 16340490 log,37340953000000,37340974000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:36 19173216 log,37340974000000,37340995000000,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:37 3106381 log,37340995000000,37340997222797,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:38:56 14958408 log,37340997222797,37341017222797,<id>,1048576
2021-11-03 00:41:29 16486454 log,37341017222797,37341037222797,<id>,1048576
(I dont know what that hash is so redacted it in case it’s sensitive) Note that the “finished at” timestamp in the backup status output is 1 less than the max log end version - The second timestamp of the last log file
Seems like the log min timestamp and log contiguous end are the start/end of the very first log, but the remaining timestamps look contiguous to me? Is there anything else I can look at to see why the backup is not restorable? We are not using the experimental partitioned log feature.
Backups taken on 6.2.30 still report as restorable - It’s only backups taken on 6.3.9 that are reporting un-restorable.