Can you please share production ready foundationdb.conf and fdb.cluster files?

I have really been impressed with what Foundationdb can do and I have been using in development for over 6 months and now it is time to do a small production deployment. I want to be able to backup and restore to/from AWS S3 and also do DR and so far have run into several issues.

If you have managed to get your Foundationdb to production deployment and have done backups to AWS or Azure or any Blobstore, Could you please share your configuration files and backup/restore commands and your Foundationdb version. Please mask sensitive data.

A reference implementation that is backup/restore ready and DR ready would really help newbies. I have plenty of experience with Ansible – I promise I will create/publish Ansible roles based on your inputs . That could help FoundationDB commuity.

Thank you!