I am new to foundationdb. I am trying to run the fdbbackup command line tool to back up to aws S3.
I am using the following command:
fdbbackup start -d blobstore://<api_key>:@s3.amazonaws.com:443/mytestbackup?bucket=<aws_s3_bucket_name>.
I get the following error:
ERROR: Could not create backup container: Operation timed out
ERROR: An error was encountered during submission.
I have a few of questions:
Is the blobstore URL I have provided have the correct URL format?
I am not sure what the error is and where can I lookup any specific logs pertaining to the error. I lookuped up under /etc/foundationdb/logs - the path specified in the foundationdb.conf but could not figure out.
We are using IAM roll based buckets in S3 so as long as the fdb instance has the right bucket policy we don’t need to specify the <api_key>: in the command above. Is there a way around that?