I am just getting started with FDB, and reading through the documentation and watching the summit videos. Thanks for putting all these great resources together.
I was wondering what is the current status of the gRPC bindings?
I tried to look for .proto files in release-7.0 branch but couldn’t find any.
Is the development of these bindings happening in some different tree?
Wow, thanks a lot for the kind words I must admit I’m stuck on fixing the latest seeds for the bindingTester, but I hope I will be able to finish this PR
Feel free to reach out To be fair, I have been working on a FDB 101 talk that may help you getting started. The presentation is not done yet, and I was searching for an online meetup, but I could just record it on my youtube channel
Haha, that was some live coding fighting against the bindingTester Yes the plan is to record the talk in english, and maybe another one about the Record-Layer, with an upgraded version of these slides. I will keep you posted