Trying to restore backup which was made on 6.0.18
My version is 6.1.8
The error is:
Tag: default UID: a713aaec9e048425744647084b843be5 State: starting Blocks: 0/0 BlocksInProgress: 0 Files: 0 BytesWritten
: 0 ApplyVersionLag: 0 LastError: ''Missing backup data' on 'restore_start'' 12s ago.
I am performing:
fdbrestore start -r file:///home/$USER/fdb.backup/backup-2019-07-06-22-08-23.328692 --dest_cluster_file ./fdb.cluster -w
what am I doing wrong, or should I have the same version of FoundationDB with which the backup was performed?
After updating source db I still have same error, even when both versions are 6.1.8.
The only difference is the replication factor, how am I supposed to move data from one db to another if replication factors a different?