FoundationDB .NET Standard

Version 5.1.0-alpha1 of the .NET Binding is now available on NuGet!

It targets .NET Standard 2.0, and has some initial support for .NET Core on mac and linux, and the low level API (Slice, Tuples, …) has also been upgraded after 3 years of internal use in other projects.

See the release notes

The API is still marked as unstable, and I would really like to have some feedback on it ! (especially the VersionStamps which are new and somewhat controversial …)

On quick note on the versioning scheme: why jumped from 0.9.9 to 5.1.0 ? I though that it would be easier to keep the version in sync with the database, so that the question “what version of the binding do I need to be able to use new feature X of version Y?” will be easy to answer. Also, in the 3 years interlude, people may have build and used private packages with version 1.x, so in order to prevent any collision, jump straight to 5.x should do the job.