Cannot restore fdbbackup from one cluster to another

I am trying to test backup and restore from one cluster to another.
But I am getting the following error:
fdbrestore start -r file:///root/backup/srv/sdc/foundationdb/2022-jan-backups/backup-2022-01-19-16-31-26.023147/ --orig_cluster_file clusterorg.txt --dest_cluster_file /etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster

No restore target version given, will use maximum restorable version from backup description.

The specified backup is not restorable to any version.

ERROR: Restore error

Fatal Error: Restore error

Not sure what’s wrong. Is it the backup I created?
The two cluster has different configuration but not sure if that’s the issue.
The source cluster also has TLS turned on but will that be an issue?
I have tried a simple test from one of mine cluster (single host) to a 3 hosts cluster and that simple test run fine without any issue. So, not really sure what’s wrong, can someone help?
Is there any more log to trace down what the fdbrestore is complaining? I can see from the fdbrestore status that this error is not even from backup_agent.

Do you have a solution for this issue? I’m currently encountering the same problem