FoundationDB Paris Meetup #1 (virtual) on 2020/06/18

I am organizing a virtual meetup in two weeks Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 7 PM UTC+2. You are very welcome.

It will happen over Google Meet, please RSVP at

Depending on the audience it will happen in French or English or both :wink:



I can not join to this meetup now

To join the video meeting, click this link:

Thanks all for coming and talking around about the meetup. It went well, except there was not enough pizza… Anyway here is my take away:

  • Start Google meet early! And maybe move to an hour that works for more people around the world.

  • FoundationDB: Scalability and Transactions (I missed that in my talk, even if well it must be somewhere in the documentation). I would just add after that line: tested guarantees…

  • Several participants work on big clusters with more than three nodes which I was said is the minimum. Well, I may try to challenge that maybe for a project with little traffic. The point I want to make / prove or verify, is that it is possible to go from PoC -> MVP -> GA Product only using FoundationDB (and opensource software).

  • Whatever the production setup, it requires monitoring, for my own project I will work on the minimum setup that is glances, benchmark disk throughput with dd I guess, and monitor FDB JSON status. Supplementary take-away xml logs of foundationdb are very useful.

Next time, after the summer, maybe there will be a talk about the record layer (and another no so secret layer…)

Do not forget the read the documentation:


It sounds like there was a lot of fun in the meetup. :slight_smile: (It’s sad that I missed it.)

Just curious if the talks in the meetup will be recorded. It should be very helpful for people who are interested in FDB and wants to know more.

Sorry, I could not record because the google meetup feature was not enabled. Now that I think more about it, I am not sure it is a good idea to record such online event.

If we do, at somepoint, a meetup that is “offline”, I hope we will be able to record.

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