Thanks all for coming and talking around about the meetup. It went well, except there was not enough pizza… Anyway here is my take away:
Start Google meet early! And maybe move to an hour that works for more people around the world.
FoundationDB: Scalability and Transactions (I missed that in my talk, even if well it must be somewhere in the documentation). I would just add after that line: tested guarantees…
Several participants work on big clusters with more than three nodes which I was said is the minimum. Well, I may try to challenge that maybe for a project with little traffic. The point I want to make / prove or verify, is that it is possible to go from PoC -> MVP -> GA Product only using FoundationDB (and opensource software).
Whatever the production setup, it requires monitoring, for my own project I will work on the minimum setup that is glances, benchmark disk throughput with dd I guess, and monitor FDB JSON status. Supplementary take-away xml logs of foundationdb are very useful.
Next time, after the summer, maybe there will be a talk about the record layer (and another no so secret layer…)
Sorry, I could not record because the google meetup feature was not enabled. Now that I think more about it, I am not sure it is a good idea to record such online event.
If we do, at somepoint, a meetup that is “offline”, I hope we will be able to record.