We are using multi-tenancy feature of FDB, when we try to backup the current cluster and then restore in the new cluster, we find that the tenant information is lost but the tenant data still exists, is this a known issue?
FDB version
FoundationDB 7.1 (v7.1.9)
source version 8321c6f16d70631df921b4edebb50ccc23f389b3
protocol fdb00b071010000
backup describe
fdbbackup describe -d file:///fdb_backups/backup-2022-09-27-12-59-40.956509
URL: file:///fdb_backups/backup-2022-09-27-12-59-40.956509
Restorable: true
Partitioned logs: false
Snapshot: startVersion=4143043588 (maxLogEnd -0.00 days) endVersion=4143043588 (maxLogEnd -0.00 days) totalBytes=157 restorable=true expiredPct=0.00
SnapshotBytes: 157
MinLogBeginVersion: 4143005867 (maxLogEnd -0.00 days)
ContiguousLogEndVersion: 4163005867 (maxLogEnd -0.00 days)
MaxLogEndVersion: 4163005867 (maxLogEnd -0.00 days)
MinRestorableVersion: 4143043588 (maxLogEnd -0.00 days)
MaxRestorableVersion: 4163005866 (maxLogEnd -0.00 days)
backup cluster
restore cluster