We are planning to upgrade from 6.2.x → 7.x
Are there any docs/ discussions I can refer to understand what is the best approach for upgrading.
Are there any known limitations?
Any help here is much appreciated.
For upgrading I would suggest doing 6.2 → 6.3 → 7.1 and not directly 6.2 → 7.1 (I’m actually not sure if this is supported and well-tested). The following doc explains how an upgrade can be performed: Upgrading FoundationDB · apple/foundationdb Wiki · GitHub, make sure that your clients have both library version ready before doing the actual restart/upgrade of the FDB cluster. There are also some older forum post around upgrades in general: Upgrading FoundationDB. If your cluster is running on Kubernetes you might want to look at the operator docs to understand how the operator performs the upgrade: fdb-kubernetes-operator/technical_design.md at main · FoundationDB/fdb-kubernetes-operator · GitHub.
One of the limitations for version upgrades is (at least for major/minor upgrades) that those versions are protocol incompatible and you have to upgrade all fdbserver processes “at once” otherwise they are not able to communicate.
So, does upgrade from 6.3->7.2 works without going to 7.1?
What is blocking the direct jump from 6.2->7.1? Does FDB do some kind of reindexing to the existing data ? Or is it just not being tested?
I’ve verified 6.2->7.1 can succeed. fyi.
Thank you everyone for the inputs.
Currently our cluster is 6.2.15. We are planning to take 6.2.15 → 6.3.25 and then 7.1.25 upgrade path.
We also pre-determine the number of coordinators, storage, transaction and proxy classes and specify in foundationdb.conf file in each node. Looks like proxy role has been split to grv_proxies and commit_proxies roles in 7.x. Does just specifying class = proxy
still work in 7.x or do we need to split that equally between grv_proxies and commit_proxies?
Looks like proxy role has been split to grv_proxies and commit_proxies roles in 7.x. Does just specifying
class = proxy
still work in 7.x or do we need to split that equally between grv_proxies and commit_proxies?
You can keep it like this in 7.1 and FDB will do a default split of (I believe) 1:4 of grv:commit proxies. You probably want to do some benchmarks to ensure this ratio makes sense for the workload pattern of your cluster(s).
Thank you!
Also, is there any plan to support arm64 in production? From what I understand, currently support is only for mac m1 based local dev.
where can download 7.x pachages, i only see 6.3 in this link